All posts by niklas


Have a look at “Härnösand” by Malin Hülphers!
Malin is Composer in Residence at Scenkonstbolaget Musik and creates music inspired by Västernorrland.

Malin Hülphers
In the video:
People from Härnösand, Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall, Norrdans, Musicians from Nordiska Kammarorkestern
Joakim Nyström
Recording, Mix, Mastering:
Henrik Heinrich/Nevo Studios
With support from:
Scenkonstbolaget and Statens Musikverk


Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall summer tour 2014

Soon it’s summer again!

Here comes the gigs for the summer; but stay tuned, more will come…
Hope to see you!

24 maj Gillestugan, Karlstad
25 maj Rackstadmuseet, Arvika
6 juni Norra logen, Ransäter
14 juni Jämtstämman, Östersund
4-6 juli TFF Rudolstadt, Tyskland
9-10 juli Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, Finland
12 juli Hembygdsgården, Norrbo
28 juli Boda Gammelgård
30 aug Spelmansstämma på Skansen, Stockholm


Latest news from Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall

The Nightingale, the group’s second album, is nominated for the Manifest Prize in the category Folk. Manifestgalan is February 7 at Nalen in Stockholm.

Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall is also nominated for Group of the Year at the Folk and World Music Awards 2014, Folk- och Världsmusikgalan .
Gala held at the Norrland Opera Feb. 21 and broadcast live in P2.

This spring Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall are also involved in two exciting recording projects;
“Härnosand” composed by Malin Hülphers, Composer in Residence in Västernorrland / Scenkonstbolaget, will be recorded along with the Nordic Chamber Ensemble.
The second project is as yet a secret but will be revealed later this spring.
Both projects will also be documented on film.

Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall tour spring 2014
11 of Jan Valshuset, Växjö
13 of Febr V-Dala Nation, Uppsala
17 of March skolkonsert, Sticksjö
18 of March Sveateatern, Sundsvall
19 of March SVAR-huset, Ramsele
20 of March Metropol, Härnösand
21 of March skolkonsert, Örnsköldsvik
21 of March Thuleteatern, Örnsköldsvik
22 of March Gamla Tingshuset, Östersund
24 of April Hjortnäs bystuga, Leksand
10 of May Kerstins Udde, Trehörningsjö
24 of May Gränslös Folkmusik, Karlstad

Eric Sahlström tunes arranged by Niklas

During the fall, Niklas was asked by the  Eric Sahlström Institute to arrange some of Eric Sahlströms compositions. Five of the songs have been arranged for children’s group, from almost beginners to those who played a little longer. The idea is that the arrangements to be used in teaching eg music schools around the country.
Niklas has also organized three songs for ESI All Time Band, a big band consisting of former and current students at ESI.
The premiere of the events took place on Oktoberstämman in Uppsala on October 26.