So it was a new year again!
I have already recorded a CD with Mia Marine, it will be released in the summer. And AER continues the collaboration with Ulrika Bodén. We’re in the middle of rehearsing but we’ve already made some videos of the new tunes coming out soon. As usual, I also work as a course leader and teacher at the folk music courses at Kapells in Härnösand and teach at the Eric Sahlström Institute in Tobo.
24 Feb Students and teachers folk music line Kapellsberg, Umefolk
29 February – 2 March Open house at Kapells, Härnösand
08 March AER with Ulrika Bodén, Sofiehof Underjord, Jönköping
09 March AER with Ulrika Bodén, Malmö Folk
March 23 Marine & Roswall Umeå folkmusikförening
April 13 Niklas Roswall, Ulrika Bodén and Daniel Ek, Säbrå church
02 – 06 May AER with Ulrika Bodén, Shetland Folk Festival
15 May Ralsgård & Tullberg Quartet, Raulandsakademiet
30 May Niklas Roswall with Bodén, Ek and Månsson, Multrå church
31 May Kapell’s closing concert, Härnösand
01 June Niklas Roswall and Ulrika Bodén, Galtström
06 June – 09 June AER with Ulrika Bodén, Ransäter meeting